Source code for cloup.constraints.exceptions

from typing import Iterable, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING

import click
from click import Context, Parameter

from .common import join_param_labels

    from ._core import Constraint

[docs]def default_constraint_error(params: Iterable[Parameter], desc: str) -> str: return ( 'the following constraint on parameters [%s] was not satisfied: %s' % (join_param_labels(params), desc) )
[docs]class ConstraintViolated(click.UsageError): def __init__( self, message: str, ctx: Context, constraint: 'Constraint', params: Sequence[click.Parameter] ): super().__init__(message, ctx=ctx) self.ctx = ctx self.constraint = constraint self.params = params
[docs] @classmethod def default( cls, desc: str, ctx: Context, constraint: 'Constraint', params: Sequence[Parameter], ) -> 'ConstraintViolated': return ConstraintViolated( default_constraint_error(params, desc), ctx=ctx, constraint=constraint, params=params, )
[docs]class UnsatisfiableConstraint(Exception): """Raised if a constraint cannot be satisfied by a group of parameters independently from their values at runtime; e.g. ``mutually_exclusive`` cannot be satisfied if multiple of the parameters are required.""" def __init__( self, constraint: 'Constraint', params: Iterable[Parameter], reason: str ): self.constraint = constraint self.params = params self.reason = reason param_names = join_param_labels(params) message = (f"\nthe constraint {constraint}\n" f"defined on parameters [{param_names}]\n" f"cannot be satisfied because {reason}") super().__init__(message)