

A Constraint is essentially a validator for groups of parameters. When unsatisfied, a constraint raises a click.UsageError with an appropriate error message, which is handled and displayed by Click.

Each constraint also has an associated description ( that can optionally be shown in the --help of a command. You can easily override both the help description and the error message if you want (see Rephrasing constraints).

Constraints can be combined with logical operators (see Defining new constraints) and can also be applied conditionally (see Conditional constraints).

Implemented constraints

Parametric constraints

Parametric constraints are subclasses of Constraint and so they are camel-cased;


Requires an exact number of parameters to be set.


Satisfied if the number of set parameters is >= n.


Satisfied if the number of set parameters is <= n.

AcceptBetween(min, max)

Satisfied if the number of set parameters is between min and max (included).

Non-parametric constraints

Non-parametric constraints are instances of Constraint and so they are snake-cased (like_this). Most of these are instances of parametric constraints or (rephrased) combinations of them.


Requires all parameters to be unset.


Satisfied if either all or none of the parameters are set.


A rephrased version of AcceptAtMost(1).


Requires all parameters to be set.


Alias for RequireAtLeast(1).


Alias for RequireExactly(1).

When is a parameter considered “set”?

Basically, Cloup considers a parameter to be “set” when its value differs from the one assigned by Click when the parameter is not provided neither by the CLI user nor by the developer.

Param type

Click default

It’s set if




value is not None

even if empty



value is not None

even if zero

boolean non-flag


value is not None

even if False

boolean flag


value is True



len(value) > 0

In the future, this policy may become configurable at the context and parameter level.

Conditional constraints

If allows you to define conditional constraints:

If(condition, then, [else_])
  • condition – can be:

    • a concrete instance of Predicate

    • a parameter name; this is a shortcut for IsSet(param_name)

    • a list/tuple of parameter names; this is a shortcut for AllSet(*param_names).

  • then – the constraint checked when the condition is true.

  • else_ – an optional constraint checked when the condition is false.

Available predicates can be imported from cloup.constraints and are:


True if the parameter is set.


True if all listed parameters are set.


True if any of the listed parameters is set.

Equal(param_name, value)

True if the parameter value equals value.

For example:

from cloup.constraints import (
    If, RequireAtLeast, require_all, accept_none,
    IsSet, Equal

# If parameter with name "param" is set,
# then require all parameters, else forbid them all
If('param', then=require_all, else_=accept_none)

# Equivalent to:
If(IsSet('param'), then=require_all, else_=accept_none)

# If "arg" and "opt" are both set, then require exactly 1 param
If(['arg', 'opt'], then=RequireExactly(1))

# Another example... of course the else branch is optional
If(Equal('param', 'value'), then=RequireAtLeast(1))

Predicates have an associated description and can be composed with the logical operators & (and), | (or) and ~ (not). For example:

predicate = ~IsSet('foo') & Equal('bar', 'value')
# --foo is not set and --bar="value"

Applying constraints

Constraints are well-integrated with option groups but decoupled from them: you can apply them to any group of parameters, eventually including positional arguments.

There are three ways to apply a constraint:

  1. setting the parameter constraint of @option_group (or OptionGroup)

  2. using the @constraint decorator and specifying parameters by name

  3. using the constraint as a decorator that takes parameter decorators as arguments (similarly to @option_groups, but supporting argument too); this is just convenient syntax sugar on top of @constraint that can be used in some circumstances.

As you’ll see, Cloup handles slightly differently the constraints applied to option groups, but only in relation to the --help output.

Usage with @option_group

As you have probably seen in the Option groups chapter, you can easily apply a constraint to an option group by setting the constraint argument of @option_group (or OptionGroup):

    'Option group title',
    option('-o', '--one', help='an option'),
    option('-t', '--two', help='a second option'),
    option('--three', help='a third option'),

This code produces the following help section with the constraint description between square brackets on the right of the option group title:

Option group title: [at least 1 required]
  -o, --one TEXT  an option
  -t, --two TEXT  a second option
  --three TEXT    a third option

If the constraint description doesn’t fit into the section heading line, it is printed on the next line:

Option group title:
  [this is a long description that doesn't fit into the title line]
  -o, --one TEXT  an option
  -t, --two TEXT  a second option
  --three TEXT    a third option

If the constraint is violated, the following error is shown:

Error: at least 1 of the following parameters must be set:
  --one (-o)
  --two (-t)

You can customize both the help description and the error message of a constraint using the method Constraint.rephrased() (see Rephrasing constraints).

If you simply want to hide the constraint description in the help, you can use the method Constraint.hidden():


The @constraint decorator

Using the cloup.constraint() decorator, you can apply a constraint to any group of parameters (arguments and options) providing their destination names, i.e. the names of the function arguments they are mapped to (by Click). For example:





@option('-o', '--out-path')


@option('-o', '--out-path', 'output_path')


Here’s a meaningless example just to show how to use the API:

from cloup import argument, command, constraint, option
from cloup.constraints import If, RequireExactly, mutually_exclusive

@command('cmd', show_constraints=True)
@argument('arg', required=False)
    mutually_exclusive, ['arg', 'one', 'two']
    If('one', then=RequireExactly(1)), ['three', 'four']
def cmd(arg, one, two, three, four):

If you set the command parameter show_constraints to True, the following section is shown at the bottom of the command help:

  {ARG, --one, --two}  mutually exclusive
  {--three, --four}    exactly 1 required if --one is set

Even in this case, you can still hide a specific constraint by using the method hidden().

Note that show_constraint can also be set in the context_settings of your root command. Of course, the context setting can be overridden by each individual command.

Constraints as decorators

@constraint is powerful but has some drawbacks:

  • it requires to replicate (once again) the name of the constrained parameters;

  • it doesn’t visually group the involved parameters with nesting (as @option_group does with options).

As an answer to these issues, Cloup introduced the possibility to use constraints themselves as decorators, with an usage similar to that of @option_group. However, note that there are cases when @constraint is your only option.

This feature is just a layer of syntax sugar on top of @constraint. The following:


is equivalent to:

@constraint(mutually_exclusive, ['one', 'two', 'three'])

Syntax limitation in Python < 3.9

In Python < 3.9, the expression on the right of the operator @ is required to be a “dotted name, optionally followed by a single call” (see PEP 614). This means that you can’t instantiate a parametric constraint on the right of @, because the resultant expressions would make two calls, e.g.:

# This is a syntax error in Python < 3.9
@RequireExactly(2)(  # 1st call to instantiate the constraint
    ...              # 2nd call to apply the constraint

To work around this syntax limitation you can assign your constraint to a variable before using it as a decorator:

require_two = RequireExactly(2)   # somewhere in the code


or, in alternative, you can use the @constrained_params decorator described below.

The @constrained_params decorator may turn useful to work around the just described syntax limitation in Python < 3.9 or simply when your constraint is long/complex enough that it’d be weird to use it as a decorator:


You can use constraints as decorators even inside @option_group to constrain one or multiple subgroups:

    "Number options",

# equivalent to:

    "Number options",
@constraint(RequireAtLeast(1), ['one', 'two'])

Note that the syntax limitation affecting Python < 3.9 described in the attention box above does not apply in this case since we are not using @ here.

Rephrasing constraints

You can override the help description and/or the error message of a constraint using the rephrased() method. It takes two arguments:

  • help – if provided, overrides the help description. It can be:

    • a string

    • a function (ctx: Context, constr: Constraint) -> str

    If you want to hide this constraint from the help, pass help="" or use the method hidden().

  • error – if provided, overrides the error message. It can be:

    • a string, eventually a format string whose fields are stored and documented as attributes in ErrorFmt.

    • a function (err: ConstraintViolated) -> str where ConstraintViolated is an exception object that fully describes the violation of a constraint, including fields like ctx, constraint and params.

An example from Cloup

Cloup itself makes use of rephrasing a lot for defining non-parametric constraints, for example:

mutually_exclusive = AcceptAtMost(1).rephrased(
    help='mutually exclusive',
    error=f'the following parameters are mutually exclusive:\n'

Example: adding extra info to the original error

Sometimes you just want to add extra info before or after the original error message. In that case, you can either pass a function or using ErrorFmt.error:

# Using function (err: ConstraintViolated) -> str
    error=lambda err: f'{err}\n'
                      f'Use --renderer, the other options are deprecated.

# Using ErrorFmt.error
from cloup.constraint import ErrorFmt

          f'Use --renderer, the other options are deprecated.

Defining new constraints

The available constraints should cover 99% of use cases but if you need it, it’s very easy to define new ones. Here are your options:

  • you can use the logical operators & and | to combine existing constraints and then eventually:

    • use the rephrased method described in the previous section

    • or subclass WrapperConstraint if you want to define a new parametric Constraint class wrapping the result

  • just subclass Constraint; look at existing implementations for guidance.

Example 1: logical operator + rephrasing

This is how Cloup defines all_or_none (this example may be out-of-date):

all_or_none = (require_all | accept_none).rephrased(
    help='provide all or none',
    error=f'the following parameters must be provided all together '
          f'(or none should be provided):\n'

Example 2: defining a new parametric constraint

Option 1 – Just use a function.

def accept_between(min, max):
   return (RequireAtLeast(min) & AcceptAtMost(max)).rephrased(
       help=f'at least {min} required, at most {max} accepted'

>>> accept_between(1, 3)
Rephraser(help='at least 1 required, at most 3 accepted')

Option 2 – WrapperConstraint. This is useful when you want to define a new constraint type. WrapperConstraint delegates all methods to the wrapped constraint so you can override only the methods you need to override.

class AcceptBetween(WrapperConstraint):
    def __init__(self, min: int, max: int):
        # [...]
        self._min = min
        self._max = max
        # whatever you pass as **kwargs is used in the __repr__
            RequireAtLeast(min) & AcceptAtMost(max),
            min=min, max=max,  # <= included in the __repr__

    def help(self, ctx: Context) -> str:
        return f'at least {self._min} required, ' \
               f'at most {self._max} accepted'

>>> AcceptBetween(1, 3)
AcceptBetween(1, 3)

*Validation protocol

A constraint performs two types of checks and there’s a method for each type:

  • check_consistency() – performs sanity checks meant to detect mistakes of the developer; as such, they are performed before argument parsing (when possible); for example, if you try to apply a mutually_exclusive constraint to an option group containing multiple required options, this method will raise UnsatisfiableConstraint

  • check_values() – performs user input validation and, when unsatisfied, raises a ConstraintViolated error with an appropriate message; ConstrainedViolated is a subclass of click.UsageError and, as such, is handled by Click itself by showing the command usage and the error message.

Using a constraint as a function is equivalent to call the method check(), which performs (by default) both kind of checks, unless consistency checks are disabled (see below).

When you add constraints through @option_group, OptionGroup and @constraint, this is what happens:

  • constraints are checked for consistency before parsing

  • input is parsed and processed; all values are stored by Click in the Context object, precisely in ctx.params

  • constraints validate the parameter values.

In all cases, constraints applied to option groups are checked before those added through @constraint.

If you use a constraint inside a callback, of course, consistency checks can’t be performed before parsing. All checks are performed together after parsing.

Disabling consistency checks

You can safely skip this section since disabling consistency checks is a micro-optimization likely to be completely irrelevant in practice.

Current consistency checks should not have any relevant impact on performance, so they are enabled by default. Nonetheless, they are completely useless in production, so I added the possibility to turn them off (globally) passing check_constraints_consistency=False as part of your context_settings. Just because I could.

To disable them only in production, you should set an environment variable in your development machine, say PYTHON_ENV="dev"; then you can put the following code at the entry-point of your program:

import os
from cloup import Context

SETTINGS = Context.setting(
    check_constraints_consistency=(os.getenv('PYTHON_ENV') == 'dev')
    # ... other settings ...

# ...
def main(...):

Have I already mentioned that this is probably not worth the effort?

*Feature support


If you use command classes/decorators redefined by Cloup, you can skip this section.

To support constraints, a Command must inherit from ConstraintMixin. It’s worth noting that ConstraintMixin integrates with OptionGroupMixin but it doesn’t require it to work.

To use the @constraint decorator, you must currently use @cloup.command as command decorator. Using @click.command(..., cls=cloup.Command) won’t work. This may change in the future though.