Source code for cloup.constraints._conditional

This modules contains classes for creating conditional constraints.
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union

from click import Context, Parameter

from ._core import Constraint
from .conditions import AllSet, IsSet, Predicate
from .exceptions import ConstraintViolated
from .._util import make_repr

[docs]def as_predicate(arg: Union[str, Sequence[str], Predicate]) -> Predicate: if isinstance(arg, str): return IsSet(arg) elif isinstance(arg, Predicate): return arg elif isinstance(arg, Sequence): return AllSet(*arg) else: raise TypeError("`arg` should be a string, a list of strings or a `Predicate`")
[docs]class If(Constraint): """ Checks one constraint or another depending on the truth value of the condition. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 you can now pass a sequence of parameter names as condition, which corresponds to the predicate ``AllSet(*param_names)``. :param condition: can be either an instance of ``Predicate`` or (more often) the name of a parameter or a list/tuple of parameters that must be all set for the condition to be true. :param then: a constraint checked if the condition is true. :param else_: an (optional) constraint checked if the condition is false. """ def __init__( self, condition: Union[str, Sequence[str], Predicate], then: Constraint, else_: Optional[Constraint] = None, ): self._condition = as_predicate(condition) self._then = then self._else = else_
[docs] def help(self, ctx: Context) -> str: condition = self._condition.description(ctx) then_help = else_help = if self._else else None if not self._else: return f"{then_help} if {condition}" else: return f"{then_help} if {condition}, otherwise {else_help}"
[docs] def check_consistency(self, params: Sequence[Parameter]) -> None: self._then.check_consistency(params) if self._else: self._else.check_consistency(params)
[docs] def check_values(self, params: Sequence[Parameter], ctx: Context) -> None: condition = self._condition condition_is_true = condition(ctx) branch = self._then if condition_is_true else self._else if branch is None: return try: branch.check_values(params, ctx=ctx) except ConstraintViolated as err: desc = ( condition.description(ctx) if condition_is_true else condition.negated_description(ctx) ) raise ConstraintViolated( f"when {desc}, {err}", ctx=ctx, constraint=self, params=params )
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: if self._else: return make_repr(self, self._condition, then=self._then, else_=self._else) return make_repr(self, self._condition, then=self._then)