Source code for cloup.constraints.conditions

This modules contains predicates with an associated description that you can use
as conditions of conditional constraints (see :class:`cloup.constraints.If`).

Predicates should be treated as immutable objects, even though immutability
is not (at the moment) enforced.
import abc
from typing import Any, Generic, TypeVar

from click import Context

from ._support import ensure_constraints_support
from .common import (
from .._util import make_repr

P = TypeVar('P', bound='Predicate')

[docs]class Predicate(abc.ABC): """ A ``Callable`` that takes a ``Context`` and returns a boolean, with an associated description. Meant to be used as condition in a conditional constraint (see :class:`~cloup.constraints.If`). """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: """Succint description of the predicate (alias: `desc`)."""
[docs] def negated_description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: """Succint description of the negation of this predicate (alias: `neg_desc`).""" return 'NOT(%s)' % self.description(ctx)
[docs] def desc(self, ctx: Context) -> str: """Short alias for :meth:`description`.""" return self.description(ctx)
[docs] def neg_desc(self, ctx: Context) -> str: """Short alias for :meth:`negated_description`.""" return self.negated_description(ctx)
[docs] def negated(self): return ~self
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: """Evaluate the predicate on the given context."""
[docs] def __invert__(self) -> 'Predicate': return Not(self)
[docs] def __or__(self, other: 'Predicate') -> '_Or': return _Or(self, other)
[docs] def __and__(self, other: 'Predicate') -> '_And': return _And(self, other)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return make_repr(self, *self._public_fields().values())
def _public_fields(self): return {k: v for k, v in vars(self).items() if not k.startswith('_')}
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and ( self._public_fields() == other._public_fields() )
[docs]class Not(Predicate, Generic[P]): """Logical NOT of a predicate.""" def __init__(self, predicate: P): self.predicate = predicate
[docs] def description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return self.predicate.negated_description(ctx)
[docs] def negated_description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return self.predicate.description(ctx)
[docs] def __call__(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: return not self.predicate(ctx)
[docs] def __invert__(self) -> P: return self.predicate
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return 'Not(%r)' % self.predicate
class _Operator(Predicate, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Operator between two or more predicates.""" DESC_SEP: str def __init__(self, *predicates: Predicate): if len(predicates) < 2: raise ValueError('provide at least 2 predicates') self.predicates = predicates def description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return self.DESC_SEP.join( '(%s)' % p.description(ctx) if isinstance(p, _Operator) else p.description(ctx) for p in self.predicates ) def __repr__(self): return make_repr(self, *self.predicates) class _And(_Operator): """Logical AND of two or more predicates.""" DESC_SEP = ' and ' def negated_description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return ' or '.join( '(%s)' % p.neg_desc(ctx) if isinstance(p, _Operator) else p.neg_desc(ctx) for p in self.predicates ) def __call__(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: return all(p(ctx) for p in self.predicates) def __and__(self, other: 'Predicate') -> '_And': if isinstance(other, _And): return _And(*self.predicates, *other.predicates) return _And(*self.predicates, other) class _Or(_Operator): """Logical OR of two or more predicates.""" DESC_SEP = ' or ' def negated_description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return ' and '.join( '(%s)' % p.neg_desc(ctx) if isinstance(p, _Operator) else p.neg_desc(ctx) for p in self.predicates ) def __call__(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: return any(p(ctx) for p in self.predicates) def __or__(self, other: 'Predicate') -> '_Or': if isinstance(other, _Or): return _Or(*self.predicates, *other.predicates) return _Or(*self.predicates, other)
[docs]class IsSet(Predicate): """True if the parameter is set.""" def __init__(self, param_name: str): self.param_name = param_name
[docs] def description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return '%s is set' % param_label_by_name(ctx, self.param_name)
[docs] def negated_description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return '%s is not set' % param_label_by_name(ctx, self.param_name)
[docs] def __call__(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: command = ensure_constraints_support(ctx.command) param = command.get_param_by_name(self.param_name) value = param_value_by_name(ctx, self.param_name) return param_value_is_set(param, value)
[docs] def __and__(self, other: Predicate): if isinstance(other, IsSet): return AllSet(self.param_name, other.param_name) return super().__and__(other)
[docs] def __or__(self, other: Predicate): if isinstance(other, IsSet): return AnySet(self.param_name, other.param_name) return super().__or__(other)
[docs]class AllSet(Predicate): """True if all listed parameters are set. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 """ def __init__(self, *param_names: str): if not param_names: raise ValueError('you must provide at least one param name') self.param_names = param_names
[docs] def negated_description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: labels = get_param_labels(ctx, self.param_names) if len(labels) == 1: return f'{labels[0]} is not set' pronoun = 'both' if len(labels) == 2 else 'all' return f'{join_with_and(labels)} are not {pronoun} set'
[docs] def description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: labels = get_param_labels(ctx, self.param_names) if len(labels) == 1: return f'{labels[0]} is set' pronoun = 'both' if len(labels) == 2 else 'all' return f'{join_with_and(labels)} are {pronoun} set'
[docs] def __call__(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: command = ensure_constraints_support(ctx.command) params = command.get_params_by_name(self.param_names) return all(param_value_is_set(param, ctx.params[get_param_name(param)]) for param in params)
[docs] def __and__(self, other: Predicate): if isinstance(other, AllSet): return AllSet(*self.param_names, *other.param_names) return super().__and__(other)
[docs]class AnySet(Predicate): """True if any of the listed parameters is set. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 """ def __init__(self, *param_names: str): if not param_names: raise ValueError('you must provide at least one param name') self.param_names = param_names
[docs] def negated_description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: labels = get_param_labels(ctx, self.param_names) if len(labels) == 1: return f'{labels[0]} is not set' if len(labels) == 2: return 'neither {} nor {} is set'.format(*labels) return f'none of {join_with_and(labels)} is set'
[docs] def description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: labels = get_param_labels(ctx, self.param_names) if len(labels) == 1: return f'{labels[0]} is set' if len(labels) == 2: return 'either {} or {} is set'.format(*labels) return f'any of {join_with_and(labels)} is set'
[docs] def __call__(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: command = ensure_constraints_support(ctx.command) params = command.get_params_by_name(self.param_names) return any(param_value_is_set(param, ctx.params[get_param_name(param)]) for param in params)
[docs] def __or__(self, other: Predicate): if isinstance(other, AnySet): return AnySet(*self.param_names, *other.param_names) return super().__or__(other)
[docs]class Equal(Predicate): """True if the parameter value equals ``value``.""" def __init__(self, param_name: str, value: Any): self.param_name = param_name self.value = value
[docs] def description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: param_label = param_label_by_name(ctx, self.param_name) return f'{param_label}="{self.value}"'
[docs] def negated_description(self, ctx: Context) -> str: param_label = param_label_by_name(ctx, self.param_name) return f'{param_label}!="{self.value}"'
[docs] def __call__(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: return param_value_by_name(ctx, self.param_name) == self.value