Source code for cloup.constraints._core

import abc
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import (
    Callable, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, TypeVar, Union, overload

import click
from click import Context, Parameter

from cloup._util import check_arg, class_name, make_one_line_repr, make_repr, pluralize
from .exceptions import ConstraintViolated, UnsatisfiableConstraint
from .common import (

Op = TypeVar('Op', bound='Operator')
HelpRephraser = Callable[[Context, 'Constraint'], str]
ErrorRephraser = Callable[[Context, 'Constraint', Sequence[Parameter]], str]

[docs]class Constraint(abc.ABC): """ A constraint that can be checked against an arbitrary collection of CLI parameters with respect to a specific :class:`click.Context` (which contains the values assigned to the parameters in ``ctx.params``). """ __check_consistency: bool = True
[docs] @classmethod def must_check_consistency(cls) -> bool: """Returns True if consistency checks are enabled.""" return cls.__check_consistency
[docs] @classmethod def toggle_consistency_checks(cls, value: bool): """Enables/disables consistency checks. Enabling means that: - :meth:`check` will call :meth:`check_consistency` - :class:`~cloup.ConstraintMixin` will call `check_consistency` on constraints it is responsible for before parsing CLI arguments. """ cls.__check_consistency = value
[docs] @classmethod @contextmanager def consistency_checks_toggled(cls, value: bool): value_to_restore = Constraint.__check_consistency cls.__check_consistency = value yield cls.__check_consistency = value_to_restore
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def help(self, ctx: Context) -> str: """A description of the constraint. """
[docs] def check_consistency(self, params: Sequence[Parameter]) -> None: """ Performs some sanity checks that detect inconsistencies between this constraints and the properties of the input parameters (e.g. required). For example, a constraint that requires the parameters to be mutually exclusive is not consistent with a group of parameters with multiple required options. These sanity checks are meant to catch developer's mistakes and don't depend on the values assigned to the parameters; therefore: - they can be performed before any parameter parsing - they can be disabled in production (see :meth:`toggle_consistency_checks`) :param params: list of :class:`click.Parameter` instances :raises: :exc:`~cloup.constraints.errors.UnsatisfiableConstraint` if the constraint cannot be satisfied independently from the values provided by the user """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def check_values(self, params: Sequence[Parameter], ctx: Context): """ Checks that the constraint is satisfied by the input parameters in the given context, which (among other things) contains the values assigned to the parameters in ``ctx.params``. You probably don't want to call this method directly. Use :meth:`check` instead. :param params: list of :class:`click.Parameter` instances :param ctx: :class:`click.Context` :raises: :exc:`~cloup.constraints.ConstraintViolated` """
@overload def check(self, params: Sequence[Parameter], ctx: Optional[Context] = None) -> None: ... # pragma: no cover @overload def check(self, params: Iterable[str], ctx: Optional[Context] = None) -> None: ... # pragma: no cover
[docs] def check(self, params, ctx: Optional[Context] = None) -> None: """ Raises an exception if the constraint is not satisfied by the input parameters in the given (or current) context. This method calls both :meth:`check_consistency` (if enabled) and :meth:`check_values`. .. tip:: By default :meth:`check_consistency` is called since it shouldn't have any performance impact. Nonetheless, you can disable it in production passing ``False`` to :meth:`toggle_consistency_checks`. :param params: an iterable of parameter names or a sequence of :class:`click.Parameter` :param ctx: a `Context`; if not provided, :func:`click.get_current_context` is used :raises: :exc:`~cloup.constraints.ConstraintViolated` :exc:`~cloup.constraints.UnsatisfiableConstraint` """ from ._support import ConstraintMixin if not params: raise ValueError("arg 'params' can't be empty") ctx = click.get_current_context() if ctx is None else ctx if not isinstance(ctx.command, ConstraintMixin): # this is needed for mypy raise TypeError('constraints work only if the command inherits from ' 'ConstraintMixin') params_objects = (ctx.command.get_params_by_name(params) if isinstance(params[0], str) else params) if self.must_check_consistency(): self.check_consistency(params_objects) return self.check_values(params_objects, ctx)
[docs] def rephrased( self, help: Union[None, str, HelpRephraser] = None, error: Union[None, str, ErrorRephraser] = None, ) -> 'Rephraser': return Rephraser(self, help=help, error=error)
[docs] def hidden(self) -> 'Rephraser': """Hides this constraint from the command help.""" return Rephraser(self, help='')
[docs] def __call__( self, param_names: Iterable[str], ctx: Optional[Context] = None ) -> None: return self.check(param_names, ctx=ctx)
[docs] def __or__(self, other: 'Constraint') -> 'Or': return Or(self, other)
[docs] def __and__(self, other: 'Constraint') -> 'And': return And(self, other)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f'{class_name(self)}()'
[docs]class Operator(Constraint, abc.ABC): """Base class for all n-ary operators defined on constraints. """ HELP_SEP: str """Used as separator of all constraints' help strings.""" def __init__(self, *constraints: Constraint): """N-ary operator for constraints. :param constraints: operands """ self.constraints = constraints
[docs] def help(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return self.HELP_SEP.join( '(%s)' % if isinstance(c, Operator) else for c in self.constraints )
[docs] def check_consistency(self, params: Sequence[Parameter]) -> None: for c in self.constraints: c.check_consistency(params)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return make_repr(self, *self.constraints)
[docs]class And(Operator): """It's satisfied if all operands are satisfied.""" HELP_SEP = ' and '
[docs] def check_values(self, params: Sequence[Parameter], ctx: Context): for c in self.constraints: c.check_values(params, ctx)
[docs] def __and__(self, other) -> 'And': if isinstance(other, And): return And(*self.constraints, *other.constraints) return And(*self.constraints, other)
[docs]class Or(Operator): """It's satisfied if at least one of the operands is satisfied.""" HELP_SEP = ' or '
[docs] def check_values(self, params: Sequence[Parameter], ctx: Context): for c in self.constraints: try: return c.check_values(params, ctx) except ConstraintViolated: pass raise ConstraintViolated.default(params,, ctx=ctx)
[docs] def __or__(self, other) -> 'Or': if isinstance(other, Or): return Or(*self.constraints, *other.constraints) return Or(*self.constraints, other)
[docs]class Rephraser(Constraint): """A Constraint decorator that can override the help and/or the error message of the wrapped constraint. This is useful also for defining new constraints. See also :class:`WrapperConstraint`. """ def __init__( self, constraint: Constraint, help: Union[None, str, HelpRephraser] = None, error: Union[None, str, ErrorRephraser] = None, ): if help is None and error is None: raise ValueError('at least one between [help] and [error] must not be None') self._constraint = constraint self._help = help self._error = error
[docs] def help(self, ctx: Context) -> str: if self._help is None: return elif isinstance(self._help, str): return self._help else: return self._help(ctx, self._constraint)
def _get_rephrased_error( self, ctx: Context, params: Sequence[Parameter] ) -> Optional[str]: if self._error is None: return None elif isinstance(self._error, str): return self._error.format(param_list=format_param_list(params)) else: return self._error(ctx, self._constraint, params)
[docs] def check_consistency(self, params: Sequence[Parameter]) -> None: try: self._constraint.check_consistency(params) except UnsatisfiableConstraint as exc: raise UnsatisfiableConstraint( self, params=params, reason=exc.reason)
[docs] def check_values(self, params: Sequence[Parameter], ctx: Context): try: return self._constraint.check_values(params, ctx) except ConstraintViolated: rephrased_error = self._get_rephrased_error(ctx, params) if rephrased_error: raise ConstraintViolated(rephrased_error, ctx=ctx) raise
[docs] def __repr__(self): return make_one_line_repr(self, help=self._help)
[docs]class WrapperConstraint(Constraint, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Abstract class that wraps another constraint and delegates all methods to it. Useful when you want to define a parametric constraint combining other existing constraints minimizing the boilerplate. This is an alternative to defining a function and using :class:`Rephraser`. Feel free to do that in your code, but cloup will stick to the convention that parametric constraints are defined as classes and written in camel-case.""" def __init__(self, constraint: Constraint, **attrs): """ :param constraint: the constraint to wrap :param attrs: these are just used to generate a ``__repr__`` method """ self._constraint = constraint self._attrs = attrs
[docs] def help(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return
[docs] def check_consistency(self, params: Sequence[Parameter]) -> None: try: self._constraint.check_consistency(params) except UnsatisfiableConstraint as exc: raise UnsatisfiableConstraint(self, params=params, reason=exc.reason)
[docs] def check_values(self, params: Sequence[Parameter], ctx: Context): self._constraint.check_values(params, ctx)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return make_repr(self, **self._attrs)
class _RequireAll(Constraint): """Satisfied if all parameters are set.""" def help(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return 'all required' def check_values(self, params: Sequence[Parameter], ctx: Context): values = ctx.params unset_params = [param for param in params if not param_value_is_set(param, values[get_param_name(param)])] if any(unset_params): raise ConstraintViolated( pluralize( len(unset_params), one=f"{get_param_label(unset_params[0])} is required", many=f"the following parameters are required:\n" f"{format_param_list(unset_params)}"), ctx=ctx, )
[docs]class RequireAtLeast(Constraint): """Satisfied if the number of set parameters is >= n.""" def __init__(self, n: int): check_arg(n >= 0) self._n = n
[docs] def help(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return f'at least {self._n} required'
[docs] def check_consistency(self, params: Sequence[Parameter]) -> None: n = self._n if len(params) < n: reason = ( f'the constraint requires a minimum of {n} parameters but ' f'it is applied on a group of only {len(params)} parameters!' ) raise UnsatisfiableConstraint(self, params, reason)
[docs] def check_values(self, params: Sequence[Parameter], ctx: Context): n = self._n given_params = get_params_whose_value_is_set(params, ctx.params) if len(given_params) < n: raise ConstraintViolated( f"at least {n} of the following parameters must be set:\n" f"{format_param_list(params)}", ctx=ctx )
[docs] def __repr__(self): return make_repr(self, self._n)
[docs]class AcceptAtMost(Constraint): """Satisfied if the number of set parameters is <= n.""" def __init__(self, n: int): check_arg(n >= 0) self._n = n
[docs] def help(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return f'at most {self._n} accepted'
[docs] def check_consistency(self, params: Sequence[Parameter]) -> None: num_required_opts = len(get_required_params(params)) if num_required_opts > self._n: reason = f'{num_required_opts} of the parameters are required' raise UnsatisfiableConstraint(self, params, reason)
[docs] def check_values(self, params: Sequence[Parameter], ctx: Context): n = self._n given_params = get_params_whose_value_is_set(params, ctx.params) if len(given_params) > n: raise ConstraintViolated( f"no more than {n} of the following parameters can be set:\n" f"{format_param_list(params)}", ctx=ctx, )
[docs] def __repr__(self): return make_repr(self, self._n)
[docs]class RequireExactly(WrapperConstraint): """Requires an exact number of parameters to be set.""" def __init__(self, n: int): check_arg(n > 0) self._n = n super().__init__(RequireAtLeast(n) & AcceptAtMost(n), n=n)
[docs] def help(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return f'exactly {self._n} required'
[docs] def check_values(self, params: Sequence[Parameter], ctx: Context): n = self._n given_params = get_params_whose_value_is_set(params, ctx.params) if len(given_params) != n: reason = pluralize( count=n, zero='none of the following parameters must be set:\n', many=f'exactly {n} of the following parameters must be set:\n' ) + format_param_list(params) raise ConstraintViolated(reason, ctx=ctx)
[docs]class AcceptBetween(WrapperConstraint): def __init__(self, min: int, max: int): # noqa """Satisfied if the number of set parameters is between ``min`` and ``max`` (included). :param min: must be an integer >= 0 :param max: must be an integer > min """ check_arg(min >= 0, 'min must be non-negative') if max is not None: check_arg(min < max, 'must be: min < max.') self._min = min self._max = max super().__init__(RequireAtLeast(min) & AcceptAtMost(max), min=min, max=max)
[docs] def help(self, ctx: Context) -> str: return f'at least {self._min} required, at most {self._max} accepted'
require_all = _RequireAll() """Satisfied if all parameters are set.""" accept_none = AcceptAtMost(0).rephrased( help='all forbidden', error='the following parameters should not be provided:\n{param_list}' ) """Satisfied if none of the parameters is set. Useful only in conditional constraints.""" all_or_none = (require_all | accept_none).rephrased( help='provide all or none', error='the following parameters should be provided together (or none of ' 'them should be provided):\n{param_list}', ) """Satisfied if either all or none of the parameters are set.""" mutually_exclusive = AcceptAtMost(1).rephrased( help='mutually exclusive', error='the following parameters are mutually exclusive:\n{param_list}' ) """Satisfied if at most one of the parameters is set."""