Source code for cloup._sections

from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import (
    Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast,

import click

from cloup._util import coalesce, listOfNotNone
from cloup.formatting import HelpSection, ensure_is_cloup_formatter

CommandType = TypeVar('CommandType', bound=Type[click.Command])
Subcommands = Union[Iterable[click.Command], Dict[str, click.Command]]

[docs]class Section: """ A group of (sub)commands to show in the same help section of a ``MultiCommand``. You can use sections with any `Command` that inherits from :class:`SectionMixin`. .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 Removed the deprecated old name ``GroupSection``. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Introduced the new name ``Section`` and deprecated the old ``GroupSection``. """ def __init__(self, title: str, commands: Subcommands = (), sorted: bool = False): # noqa """ :param title: :param commands: sequence of commands or dictionary {name: command} :param sorted: if True, ``list_commands()`` returns the commands in lexicographic order """ self.title = title self.sorted = sorted # type: ignore self.commands: OrderedDict[str, click.Command] = OrderedDict() if isinstance(commands, Sequence): self.commands = OrderedDict() for cmd in commands: self.add_command(cmd) elif isinstance(commands, dict): self.commands = OrderedDict(commands) else: raise TypeError('the argument "commands" must be a list of commands ' 'or a dict {name: command}')
[docs] @classmethod def sorted(cls, title: str, commands: Subcommands = ()) -> 'Section': return cls(title, commands, sorted=True)
[docs] def add_command(self, cmd: click.Command, name: Optional[str] = None): name = name or if not name: raise TypeError('missing command name') if name in self.commands: raise Exception('command "{}" already exists'.format(name)) self.commands[name] = cmd
[docs] def list_commands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, click.Command]]: command_list = [(name, cmd) for name, cmd in self.commands.items() if not cmd.hidden] if self.sorted: command_list.sort() return command_list
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.commands)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return 'Section({}, sorted={})'.format(self.title, self.sorted)
[docs]class SectionMixin: """ Adds to a click.MultiCommand the possibility to organize its subcommands in multiple help sections. Sections can be specified in the following ways: #. passing a list of :class:`Section` objects to the constructor setting the argument ``sections`` #. using :meth:`add_section` to add a single section #. using :meth:`add_command` with the argument `section` set Commands not assigned to any user-defined section are added to the "default section", whose title is "Commands" or "Other commands" depending on whether it is the only section or not. The default section is the last shown section in the help and its commands are listed in lexicographic order. .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0 This mixin now relies on ``cloup.HelpFormatter`` to align help sections. If a ``click.HelpFormatter`` is used with a ``TypeError`` is raised. .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0 Removed ``format_section``. Added ``make_commands_help_section``. .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ def __init__( self, *args, commands: Optional[Dict[str, click.Command]] = None, sections: Iterable[Section] = (), align_sections: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param sections: a list of :class:`Section` objects :param align_sections: if True, the help column of all columns will be aligned; if False, each section will be formatted independently """ self.align_sections = align_sections self._default_section = Section('__DEFAULT', commands=commands or []) self._user_sections: List[Section] = [] self._section_set = {self._default_section} for section in sections: self.add_section(section) super().__init__(*args, commands=commands, **kwargs) # type: ignore def _add_command_to_section(self, cmd, name=None, section=None): """ Adds a command to the section (if specified) or to the default section """ name = name or if section is None: section = self._default_section section.add_command(cmd, name) if section not in self._section_set: self._user_sections.append(section) self._section_set.add(section)
[docs] def add_section(self, section: Section): """ Adds a :class:`Section` to this group. You can add the same section object a single time. """ if section in self._section_set: raise ValueError('section {} was already added'.format(section)) self._user_sections.append(section) self._section_set.add(section) for name, cmd in section.commands.items(): super().add_command(cmd, name) # type: ignore
[docs] def section(self, title: str, *commands: click.Command, **attrs) -> Section: """ Creates a new :class:`Section`, adds it to this group and returns it. """ section = Section(title, commands, **attrs) self.add_section(section) return section
[docs] def add_command(self, cmd: click.Command, name: Optional[str] = None, section: Optional[Section] = None): """Adds a new command. If ``section`` is None, the command is added to the default section.""" super().add_command(cmd, name) # type: ignore self._add_command_to_section(cmd, name, section)
[docs] def list_sections(self, ctx: click.Context, include_default_section: bool = True) -> List[Section]: """ Returns the list of all sections in the "correct order". if ``include_default_section=True`` and the default section is non-empty, it will be included at the end of the list. """ section_list = list(self._user_sections) if include_default_section and len(self._default_section) > 0: default_section = Section.sorted( title='Other commands' if len(self._user_sections) > 0 else 'Commands', commands=self._default_section.commands) section_list.append(default_section) return section_list
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def make_commands_help_section(self, section: Section) -> Optional[HelpSection]: visible_subcommands = section.list_commands() if not visible_subcommands: return None return HelpSection( heading=section.title, definitions=[ (name, cmd.get_short_help_str) for name, cmd in visible_subcommands ] )
[docs] def must_align_sections( self, ctx: Optional[click.Context], default: bool = True ) -> bool: align = coalesce( self.align_sections, getattr(ctx, 'align_sections', None), default, ) return cast(bool, align)
[docs] def format_commands(self, ctx: click.Context, formatter: click.HelpFormatter) -> None: formatter = ensure_is_cloup_formatter(formatter) subcommand_sections = self.list_sections(ctx) help_sections = listOfNotNone( self.make_commands_help_section(section) for section in subcommand_sections ) if not help_sections: return formatter.write_many_sections( help_sections, aligned=self.must_align_sections(ctx) )