Source code for cloup._option_groups

Implements support to option group.
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (
    Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, cast, overload,

import click
from click import Option, Parameter

from cloup._util import coalesce, make_repr
from cloup.constraints import Constraint
from cloup.formatting import HelpSection, ensure_is_cloup_formatter

C = TypeVar('C', bound=Callable)

OptionAdder = Callable[[C], C]
"""A decorator that registers an option to the wrapped function."""

OptionGroupAdder = Callable[[C], C]
"""A decorator that registers an option group to the wrapped function."""

[docs]class OptionGroup: def __init__(self, name: str, help: Optional[str] = None, constraint: Optional[Constraint] = None, hidden: bool = False): """Contains the information of an option group and identifies it. Note that, as far as the clients of this library are concerned, an ``OptionGroups`` acts as a "marker" for options, not as a container for related options. When you call ``@optgroup.option(...)`` you are not adding an option to a container, you are just adding an option marked with this option group. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 The ``hidden`` parameter. """ if not name: raise ValueError('name is a mandatory argument') # pragma: no cover = name = help self._options: Sequence[click.Option] = [] self.constraint = constraint self.hidden = hidden @property def options(self) -> Sequence[click.Option]: return self._options @options.setter def options(self, options: Iterable[click.Option]) -> None: self._options = opts = tuple(options) if self.hidden: for opt in opts: opt.hidden = True elif all(opt.hidden for opt in opts): self.hidden = True
[docs] def get_help_records(self, ctx: click.Context) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: if self.hidden: return [] return [opt.get_help_record(ctx) for opt in self if not opt.hidden]
[docs] def option(self, *param_decls, **attrs): return option(*param_decls, group=self, **attrs)
[docs] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.options)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> click.Option: return self.options[i]
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.options)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return make_repr(self,,, options=self.options)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return make_repr( self,, options=[ for opt in self.options])
[docs]class GroupedOption(click.Option): """ A click.Option with an extra field ``group`` of type OptionGroup """ def __init__(self, *args, group: Optional[OptionGroup] = None, **attrs): super().__init__(*args, **attrs) = group
[docs]def has_option_group(param) -> bool: return hasattr(param, 'group') and is not None
[docs]def get_option_group_of(param, default=None): return if has_option_group(param) else default
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs]class OptionGroupMixin: """Implements support to option groups. .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0 This mixin now relies on ``cloup.HelpFormatter`` to align help sections. If a ``click.HelpFormatter`` is used with a ``TypeError`` is raised. .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0 Removed ``format_option_group``. Added ``get_default_option_group`` and ``make_option_group_help_section``. .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 .. important:: In order to check the constraints defined on the option groups, a command must inherits from :class:`cloup.ConstraintMixin` too! """ def __init__( self, *args, align_option_groups: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs ): self.align_option_groups = align_option_groups self.option_groups, self.ungrouped_options = \ self._option_groups_from_params(kwargs['params']) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore @staticmethod def _option_groups_from_params( params: List[Parameter] ) -> Tuple[List[OptionGroup], List[Option]]: options_by_group = defaultdict(list) for param in params: if isinstance(param, click.Option): grp = get_option_group_of(param) options_by_group[grp].append(param) ungrouped_options = options_by_group.pop(None, []) option_groups = list(options_by_group.keys()) for group, options in options_by_group.items(): group.options = options return option_groups, ungrouped_options
[docs] def get_ungrouped_options(self, ctx: click.Context) -> Sequence[click.Option]: help_option = ctx.command.get_help_option(ctx) if help_option is not None: return self.ungrouped_options + [help_option] else: return self.ungrouped_options
[docs] def make_option_group_help_section( self, group: OptionGroup, ctx: click.Context ) -> HelpSection: """Returns a HelpSection for an OptionGroup, i.e. an object containing the title, the optional description and the options' definitions for this option group. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 """ return HelpSection(, definitions=group.get_help_records(ctx),, if group.constraint else None )
[docs] def must_align_option_groups( self, ctx: Optional[click.Context], default=True ) -> bool: """ .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 """ align = coalesce( self.align_option_groups, getattr(ctx, 'align_option_groups', None), default, ) return cast(bool, align)
[docs] def get_default_option_group(self, ctx: click.Context) -> OptionGroup: """ .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 """ default_group = OptionGroup('Other options') default_group.options = self.get_ungrouped_options(ctx) return default_group
[docs] def format_options( self, ctx: click.Context, formatter: click.HelpFormatter ) -> None: formatter = ensure_is_cloup_formatter(formatter) visible_sections = [ self.make_option_group_help_section(group, ctx) for group in self.option_groups if not group.hidden ] if not visible_sections: # No visible option groups. No custom formatting needed. return super().format_options(ctx, formatter) # type: ignore default_group = self.get_default_option_group(ctx) if not default_group.hidden: visible_sections.append( self.make_option_group_help_section(default_group, ctx)) formatter.write_many_sections( visible_sections, aligned=self.must_align_option_groups(ctx), )
[docs]def option( *param_decls, group: Optional[OptionGroup] = None, cls: Type[click.Option] = GroupedOption, **attrs ) -> OptionGroupAdder: def decorator(f): func = click.option(*param_decls, cls=cls, **attrs)(f) new_option = func.__click_params__[-1] = group if group and group.hidden: new_option.hidden = True return func return decorator
@overload def option_group( name: str, help: str, *options: OptionAdder, constraint: Optional[Constraint] = None, hidden: bool = False, ) -> OptionGroupAdder: ... # pragma: no cover @overload def option_group( name: str, *options: OptionAdder, help: Optional[str] = None, constraint: Optional[Constraint] = None, hidden: bool = False, ) -> OptionGroupAdder: ... # pragma: no cover # noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring
[docs]def option_group(name, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a decorator that annotates a function with an option group. The ``help`` is an optional description and can be provided either as keyword argument or as 2nd positional argument after the ``name`` of the group:: # help as keyword argument @option_group(name, *options, help=None, ...) # help as 2nd positional argument @option_group(name, help, *options, ...) :param name: this is shown as heading of the help section describing the option group. :param help: an optional description shown below the name; can be provided as keyword argument or 2nd positional argument. :param options: an arbitrary number of decorators like `click.option`, which annotate the input function with one ``Option``. :param constraint: an optional instance of :class:`~cloup.constraints.Constraint` (see :doc:`constraints` for more info); a description of the constraint will be shown between squared brackets aside the option group title (or below it if too long). :param hidden: if ``True``, the option group and all its options are hidden from the help page (all contained options will have their ``hidden`` attribute set to ``True``). """ if args and isinstance(args[0], str): return _option_group(name, options=args[1:], help=args[0], **kwargs) else: return _option_group(name, options=args, **kwargs)
def _option_group( name: str, options: Sequence[OptionAdder], help: Optional[str] = None, constraint: Optional[Constraint] = None, hidden: bool = False, ) -> OptionGroupAdder: if not options: raise ValueError('you must provide at least one option') def decorator(f): opt_group = OptionGroup(name, help=help, constraint=constraint, hidden=hidden) for opt_decorator in reversed(options): # Note: the assignment is just a precaution, as both click.option # and @cloup.option currently return the same f f = opt_decorator(f) new_option = f.__click_params__[-1] if has_option_group(new_option): raise ValueError( f'{new_option} was first assigned to {} and then ' f'passed as argument to @option_group({name!r}, ...)' ) = opt_group if hidden: new_option.hidden = True return f return decorator