Source code for cloup._commands

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Type, cast

import click

from ._context import Context
from ._option_groups import OptionGroupMixin
from ._sections import Section, SectionMixin
from .constraints import BoundConstraintSpec, ConstraintMixin

[docs]class BaseCommand(click.Command): """Base class for cloup commands. * It back-ports a feature from Click v8.0-a1, i.e. the ``context_class`` class attribute, which is set to ``cloup.Context``. * It adds a ``formatter_settings`` instance attribute. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 """ context_class: Type[Context] = Context def __init__( self, *args, formatter_settings: Dict[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) #: HelpFormatter options that are merged with ``Context.formatter_settings`` #: (eventually overriding some values). self.formatter_settings = formatter_settings
[docs] def make_context(self, info_name, args, parent=None, **extra) -> Context: for key, value in self.context_settings.items(): if key not in extra: extra[key] = value ctx = self.context_class(self, info_name=info_name, parent=parent, **extra) with ctx.scope(cleanup=False): self.parse_args(ctx, args) return ctx
# Differently from Click, this doesn't indent the epilog.
[docs] def format_epilog(self, ctx, formatter): if self.epilog: formatter.write_paragraph() formatter.write_epilog(self.epilog)
[docs] def format_help_text(self, ctx, formatter): formatter.write_command_help_text(self)
[docs]class Command(ConstraintMixin, OptionGroupMixin, BaseCommand): """ A ``click.Command`` supporting option groups and constraints. .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0 This class now inherits from :class:`cloup.BaseCommand`. """ def __init__( self, *click_args, formatter_settings: Dict[str, Any] = {}, constraints: Sequence[BoundConstraintSpec] = (), show_constraints: bool = False, align_option_groups: Optional[bool] = None, **click_kwargs, ): super().__init__( *click_args, formatter_settings=formatter_settings, constraints=constraints, show_constraints=show_constraints, align_option_groups=align_option_groups, **click_kwargs)
[docs]class Group(SectionMixin, BaseCommand, click.Group): """ A ``click.Group`` that allows to organize its subcommands in multiple help sections and and whose subcommands are, by default, of type :class:`cloup.Command`. This class is just a :class:`click.Group` mixed with :class:`SectionMixin` that overrides the decorators :meth:`command` and :meth:`group` so that a ``section`` for the created subcommand can be specified. See the docstring of the two superclasses for more details. .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0 This class now inherits from :class:`cloup.BaseCommand`. """ def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, commands: Optional[Dict[str, click.Command]] = None, sections: Iterable[Section] = (), align_sections: Optional[bool] = None, formatter_settings: Dict[str, Any] = {}, **attrs): """ :param name: name of the command :param commands: dict {name: command}; this command will be added to the default section. :param sections: a list of Section objects :param align_sections: if True, the help column of all columns will be aligned; if False, each section will be formatted independently :param attrs: """ super().__init__( name=name, commands=commands, sections=sections, align_sections=align_sections, formatter_settings=formatter_settings, **attrs) # MyPy complaints because the signature is not compatible with the parent # method signature, which is command(*args, **kwargs). Since the parent # method is implemented calling click.command(name=None, cls=None, **attrs), # any call that works for parent should work for us.
[docs] def command( # type: ignore self, name: Optional[str] = None, cls: Optional[Type[click.Command]] = None, section: Optional[Section] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Callable[[Callable], click.Command]: """Creates a new command and adds it to this group.""" if cls is None: cls = Command def decorator(f): cmd = command(name=name, cls=cls, **kwargs)(f) self.add_command(cmd, section=section) return cmd return decorator
# MyPy complaints because the signature is not compatible with the parent # method signature, which is group(*args, **kwargs). The "real signature" # of the parent method is command(name=None, cls=None, **attrs), thus # any call that works for parent should work for us, since the order of # named arguments is the same.
[docs] def group( # type: ignore self, name: Optional[str] = None, cls: Optional[Type[click.Group]] = None, section: Optional[Section] = None, **kwargs, ): if cls is None: cls = Group return self.command(name=name, section=section, cls=cls, **kwargs)
[docs]def group( name: Optional[str] = None, cls: Type[Group] = Group, **attrs ) -> Callable[[Callable], Group]: """Decorator for creating a new :class:`Group`. .. note:: If you use static type checking, note that the ``cls`` optional argument of this function must be of type ``cloup.Group``, not ``click.Group``. :param name: name of the command :param cls: type of ``cloup.Group`` :param attrs: any argument you can pass to :func:`` """ return cast(Callable[[Callable], Group],, cls=cls, **attrs))
[docs]def command( name: Optional[str] = None, cls: Type[click.Command] = Command, **attrs ) -> Callable[[Callable], click.Command]: """ Decorator that creates a new command using the wrapped function as callback. The only differences with respect to ``click.commands`` are: - this decorator creates a ``cloup.Command`` by default; - this decorator supports ``@constraint``. :param name: name of the command :param cls: type of click.Command :param attrs: any argument you can pass to :func:`click.command` """ def wrapper(f): if hasattr(f, '__constraints'): if not issubclass(cls, ConstraintMixin): raise TypeError( f"a Command must inherits from cloup.ConstraintMixin to support " f"constraints; {cls} doesn't") constraints = tuple(reversed(f.__constraints)) del f.__constraints attrs['constraints'] = constraints cmd = click.command(name, cls=cls, **attrs)(f) return cast(click.Command, cmd) return wrapper