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Cloup [originally from: Click + option groups] is a library that extends Click with several features – most notably, option groups – sharing the common goal of improving the readability and customizability of the command --help.


  • Option groups: use the @option_group decorator to define option groups..

  • Group constraints: apply constraints (even conditionally) to option groups or to any group of parameters (including positional arguments). Available constraints include: mutually_exclusive, RequireAtLeast(n), AcceptAtMost(n) etc.

  • Help sections for subcommands: organize the subcommands of a Group in multiple help sections.

  • A themeable HelpFormatter that:

    • allows you to style several elements of the --help according to a theme

    • has more parameters that you can change per-context and per-command

    • switches to a different layout when the terminal width is small for the standard 2-column layout, so that the --help is readable in all circumstances.

Moreover, Cloup is:

  • type-annotated and provides additional methods so that you can always be assisted by your IDE (e.g. Context.settings() for creating a context_settings dict leveraging auto-completion)

  • extensively tested with multiple versions of Python and Click (see Tests)

  • well-documented.

Basic example

from cloup import Context, HelpFormatter, HelpTheme, command, option, option_group
from cloup.constraints import RequireAtLeast, mutually_exclusive

SETTINGS = Context.settings(

@command(context_settings=SETTINGS, no_args_is_help=True)
    "Cool options",
    option('--foo', help='This text should describe the option --foo.'),
    option('--bar', help='This text should describe the option --bar.'),
    "Other cool options",
    "This is the optional description of this option group.",
    option('--pippo', help='This text should describe the option --pippo.'),
    option('--pluto', help='This text should describe the option --pluto.'),
def cmd(**kwargs):
    """This is the command description."""

if __name__ == '__main__':
Basic example --help screenshot

Supporting the project

Designing, testing and documenting a library takes a lot of time. The most concrete way to show your appreciation and to support future development is by donating. Any amount is appreciated.

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