

A Constraint is essentially a validator for groups of parameters that:

  • has a textual description (

  • when unsatisfied raises an UsageError with an appropriate error message that is handled and displayed by Click

  • it’s easily composable with other constraints using logical operators and you can easy change its description and/or error message (see Combining and rephrasing).

Constraints are well-integrated with option groups but decoupled from them. Indeed, you can use them to validate any group of parameters by providing their (destination) names (see Specifying parameters by name).

Constraints can also be applied conditionally, e.g. based on the value of a parameter (see Conditional constraints).

Implemented constraints

cloup uses the following convention:

  • parametric constraints are subclasses of Constraint and so they are camel-cased;

  • non-parametric constraints are instances of Constraint and so they are snake-cased.

Parametric constraints


Requires an exact number of parameters to be set.


Satisfied if the number of set parameters is >= n.


Satisfied if the number of set parameters is <= n.

AcceptBetween(min, max)

Satisfied if the number of set parameters is between min and max (included).

Non-parametric constraints


Requires all parameters to be set.


Requires all parameters to be unset.


Satisfied if either all or none of the parameters are set.


A rephrased version of AcceptAtMost(1).

When is a parameter considered to be “set”?

Cloup uses the following policy:

  • if the value is None, the parameter is unset;

  • a parameter that takes multiple values is set if at least one value is provided;

  • a boolean flag is set only if True (since the default value is False);

  • a boolean non-flag option is set if not None, even if it’s False.

Possible sources of a value

Cloup validates the values available in Context.params dictionary after parsing. The source of an option value can be (from higher to lowest priority):

  • the command-line user input

  • an environment variable (if you enabled it)

  • Context.default_map

  • the default value of the option (if defined).

Conditional constraints

If allows to define conditional constraints:

If(condition, then, [else_])
  • condition is either a concrete instance of Predicate or the name of a parameter; passing the name is a shortcut for IsSet(name)

  • then is an instance of Constraint

  • else_ is another instance of Constraint or None.

Available predicates can be imported from cloup.constraints and are:


True if the parameter is set.

Equal(param_name, value)

True if the parameter value equals value.

For example:

from cloup.constraints import (
    If, RequireAtLeast, require_all, accept_none,
    IsSet, Equal

# If parameter with name "param" is set,
# then require all parameters, else forbid them all
If('param', then=require_all, else_=accept_none)

# Equivalent to:
If(IsSet('param'), then=require_all, else_=accept_none)

# Another example... of course the else branch is optional
If(Equal('param', 'value'), then=RequireAtLeast(1))

Predicates have an associated description and can be composed with the logical operators

  • ~ (not),

  • & (and),

  • | (or).

For example:

predicate = ~IsSet('foo') & Equal('bar', 'value')
# --foo is not set and --bar="value"

Usage with @option_group

As you have probably seen in the Option groups section, you can easily apply a constraint to an option group by setting the constraint (keyword-only) argument or @option_group (or OptionGroup):

    'Output options',
    option('--four / --no-four', help='1st output option'),
    option('--five', help='2nd output option'),
    option('--six', help='3rd output option'),

This code produces the following help section, whose title contains the constraint description between square brackets:

Output options [at least 1 required]:
  --four / --no-four    1st output option
  --five TEXT           2nd output option
  --six TEXT            3rd output option

If you don’t want to show the constraint description, you can use the method hidden():


Specifying parameters by name

You can apply a constraint on any group of parameters providing their destination names, i.e. the names of the function arguments they are mapped to (by Click). For example:


Destination name



@option('-o', '--out-path')


@option('-o', '--out-path', 'output_path')


This is useful when you need to apply a constraint on a group of parameters for which no OptionGroup is defined.

You have two (non-equivalent) options:

  1. using the @cloup.constraint decorator

  2. using the constraint as a function inside the command callback (a Constraint is indeed callable).

Usage with @constraint

In essence, @cloup.constraint allows to include a constraint as part of the command “metadata”, which opens new possibilities with respect to just using the constraint as a function:

  • it becomes possible to document the constraints in a section of the help page; note that this is disabled by default and can be enabled passing show_constraints=True to @command() (or cloup.Command);

  • the sanity checks performed to detect your mistakes can be performed before parsing, just after the constraints applied to option groups are checked (see Validation protocol); this is not of huge importance but a nice-to-have.

The signature is simple:

@constraint(constr: Constraint, params: Iterable[str])

where params is a list of parameter destination names; for example, an option --input-file is mapped (by Click) to the name input_file by default.

Here’s a meaningless example just to show how to use the API:

@command('cmd', show_constraints=True)
@constraint(mutually_exclusive, ['opt_1', 'opt_2'])
@constraint(If('opt_1', then=RequireExactly(1)), ['opt_3', 'opt_5'])
def cmd(opt_1, opt_2, opt_3, opt_4, opt_5):

Passing show_constraints=True as above will produce the following section at the bottom of the command help:

  {--opt-1, --opt-2}  mutually exclusive
  {--opt-3, --opt-4}  exactly 1 required if --opt-1 is set

Even in this case, you can still hide a specific constraint by calling the method hidden() on it.

Usage inside functions

You may consider this option if you are not interested in documenting constraints in the help page and you find it more readable than @constraint.

from cloup.constraint import If, RequireExactly, mutually_exclusive

# ...
def cmd(opt_1, opt_2, opt_3, opt_4, opt_5):

    mutually_exclusive(['opt_1', 'opt_4'])

    If(Equal('opt_1', 'value'), then=RequireExactly(1))([
        'opt_2', 'opt_3'

Calling a constraint is equivalent to call its check() method.


The check() method needs a click.Context to work. Nonetheless, you are not required to provide it explicitly because the current context is automatically obtained using click.get_current_context(). This works as long as you call check() (or the constraint itself) in places where an a Click context is guaranteed to be defined.

Why do you need to pass the parameter names and not their values? That’s because values are not enough to generate an error message explaining which parameters don’t satisfy the constraint. Knowing their names, Cloup can reference both the Parameter instances and their values in the current click.Context.

Combining and rephrasing

The available constraints should cover 99% of use cases but if you want to combine them or even just change their description and/or the error message, you can do that with very little code:

  • to combine constraints you can use the logical operators & and |; both their validation logic and their description will be combined

  • to edit the description and/or the error message of a constraint, you can use the method rephrased(), which wraps the original constraint with a Rephraser

  • to define a new constraint type wrapping another constraint with minimal boilerplate, you can extend WrapperConstraint.

Let’s see some examples from Cloup itself.

all_or_none = (require_all | accept_none).rephrased(
    help='provide all or none',
    error='either all or none of the following parameters must be set:\n{param_list}',

rephrased() requires at least one argument between help and error. When rephrasing an error, you can pass a format string containing '{param_list}', which will be replaced by a comma-separated list of parameters.

Let’s see how you can define a new parametric constraint now:

# Option 1: use WrapperConstraint.
# WrapperConstraint is useful for defining a new constraint type
# It delegates all methods to the wrapped constraint so you can
# override only the methods you need to override.
class AcceptBetween(WrapperConstraint):
    def __init__(self, min: int, max: int):
        # [...]
        self._min = min
        self._max = max
        # the min and max kwargs will be used for the __repr__
        super().__init__(RequireAtLeast(min) & AcceptAtMost(max), min=min, max=max)

    def help(self, ctx: Context) -> str:
        return f'at least {self._min} required, at most {self._max} accepted'

# Option 2: use a function.
def accept_between(min, max):
   return (RequireAtLeast(min) & AcceptAtMost(max)).rephrased(
       help=f'at least {min} required, at most {max} accepted'

Cloup uses WrapperConstraint internally to stick to the convention described in Implemented constraints and because it has some minor advantages like producing constraints having a prettier __repr__ (showed in consistency errors):

>>> AcceptBetween(1, 3)
AcceptBetween(1, 3)

>>> accept_between(1, 3)
Rephraser(help='at least 1 required, at most 3 accepted')

These differences are unimportant in most cases, so feel free to use functions in your code if you prefer it.

Finally, if all this is not convenient for your case, just extend Constraint, it’s pretty easy. Use the code of existing constraints as a guide.

Validation protocol

A constraint performs two types of checks and there’s a method for each type:

  • check_consistency() – performs sanity checks meant to detect mistakes of the developer; as such, they are performed before argument parsing (when possible); for example, if you try to apply a mutually_exclusive constraint to an option group containing multiple required options, this method will raise UnsatisfiableConstraint

  • check_values() – performs user input validation and, when unsatisfied, raises a ConstraintViolated error with an appropriate message; ConstrainedViolated is a subclass of click.UsageError and, as such, is handled by Click itself by showing the command usage and the error message.

Using a constraint as a function is equivalent to call the method check(), which performs (by default) both kind of checks, unless consistency checks are disabled (see below).

When you add constraints through @option_group, OptionGroup and @constraint, this is what happens:

  • constraints are checked for consistency before parsing

  • input is parsed and processed; all values are stored by Click in the Context object, precisely in ctx.params

  • constraints validate the parameter values.

In all cases, constraints applied to option groups are checked before those added through @constraint.

If you use a constraint inside a callback, of course, consistency checks can’t be performed before parsing. All checks are performed together after parsing.

*Disabling consistency checks

You can safely skip this section since disabling consistency checks is a micro-optimization likely to be completely irrelevant in practice.

Current consistency checks should not have any relevant impact on performance, so they are enabled by default. Nonetheless, they are completely useless in production, so I added the possibility to turn them off (globally) using the class method Constraint.toggle_consistency_checks(). Just because I could.

To disable them only in production, you should set an environment variable in the system you use for development, say PYTHON_ENV="dev"; then you can put the following code in the entry-point of your program:

import os

# Enable consistency checks only if PYTHON_ENV is defined and equal to 'dev'
    os.getenv('PYTHON_ENV') == 'dev'

Have I already mentioned that this is probably not worth the effort?

Feature support


If you use command classes/decorators redefined by Cloup, you can skip this section.

To support constraints, a Command must inherit from ConstraintMixin. It’s worth noting that ConstraintMixin integrates with OptionGroupMixin but it doesn’t require it to work.

To use the @constraint decorator, you must currently use @cloup.command as command decorator. Using @click.command(..., cls=cloup.Command) won’t work. This may change in the future though.