Source code for cloup._commands

This modules contains Cloup command classes and decorators.

Note that Cloup commands *are* Click commands. Apart from supporting more
features, Cloup command decorators have detailed type hints and are generics so
that type checkers can precisely infer the type of the returned command based on
the ``cls`` argument.

Why did you overload all decorators?
I wanted that the return type of decorators depended from the ``cls`` argument
but MyPy doesn't allow to set a default value on a generic argument, see:
So I had to resort to a workaround using @overload which makes things more
verbose. The ``@overload`` is on the ``cls`` argument:

- in one signature, ``cls`` has type ``None`` and it's set to ``None``; in this
  case the type of the instantiated command is ``cloup.Command`` for ``@command``
  and ``cloup.Group`` for ``@group``
- in the other signature, there's ``cls: C`` without a default, where ``C`` is
  a type variable; in this case the type of the instantiated command is ``C``.

When and if the MyPy issue is resolved, the overloads will be removed.
import inspect
from typing import (
    Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Tuple,
    Type, TypeVar, Union, cast, overload, MutableMapping, Mapping,

import click

import cloup
from ._context import Context
from ._option_groups import OptionGroupMixin
from ._sections import Section, SectionMixin
from ._util import click_version_ge_8_1, first_bool, reindent
from .constraints import ConstraintMixin
from .styling import DEFAULT_THEME
from .typing import AnyCallable

# Generic types of ``cls`` args of ``@command`` and ``@group``
C = TypeVar('C', bound=click.Command)
G = TypeVar('G', bound=click.Group)

[docs]class Command(ConstraintMixin, OptionGroupMixin, click.Command): """A ``click.Command`` supporting option groups and constraints. Refer to superclasses for the documentation of all accepted parameters: - :class:`ConstraintMixin` - :class:`OptionGroupMixin` - :class:`click.Command` Besides other things, this class also: * adds a ``formatter_settings`` instance attribute. Refer to :class:`click.Command` for the documentation of all parameters. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 """ context_class: Type[Context] = Context def __init__( self, *args: Any, aliases: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, formatter_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) #: HelpFormatter options that are merged with ``Context.formatter_settings`` #: (eventually overriding some values). self.aliases: List[str] = [] if aliases is None else list(aliases) self.formatter_settings: Dict[str, Any] = ( {} if formatter_settings is None else formatter_settings)
[docs] def get_normalized_epilog(self) -> str: if self.epilog and click_version_ge_8_1: return inspect.cleandoc(self.epilog) return self.epilog or ""
# Differently from Click, this doesn't indent the epilog.
[docs] def format_epilog(self, ctx: click.Context, formatter: click.HelpFormatter) -> None: if self.epilog: assert isinstance(formatter, cloup.HelpFormatter) epilog = self.get_normalized_epilog() formatter.write_paragraph() formatter.write_epilog(epilog)
[docs] def format_help_text( self, ctx: click.Context, formatter: click.HelpFormatter ) -> None: assert isinstance(formatter, cloup.HelpFormatter) formatter.write_command_help_text(self)
[docs] def format_aliases(self, ctx: click.Context, formatter: click.HelpFormatter) -> None: if not self.aliases: return assert isinstance(formatter, cloup.HelpFormatter) formatter.write_aliases(self.aliases)
[docs] def format_help(self, ctx: click.Context, formatter: click.HelpFormatter) -> None: self.format_usage(ctx, formatter) self.format_aliases(ctx, formatter) self.format_help_text(ctx, formatter) self.format_params(ctx, formatter) if self.must_show_constraints(ctx): self.format_constraints(ctx, formatter) # type: ignore if isinstance(self, click.MultiCommand): self.format_commands(ctx, formatter) self.format_epilog(ctx, formatter)
[docs]class Group(SectionMixin, Command, click.Group): """ A ``click.Group`` that allows to organize its subcommands in multiple help sections and whose subcommands are, by default, of type :class:`cloup.Command`. Refer to superclasses for the documentation of all accepted parameters: - :class:`SectionMixin` - :class:`Command` - :class:`click.Group` Apart from superclasses arguments, the following is the only additional parameter: ``show_subcommand_aliases``: ``Optional[bool] = None`` whether to show subcommand aliases; aliases are shown by default and can be disabled using this argument or the homonym context setting. .. versionchanged:: 0.14.0 this class now supports option groups and constraints. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 the "command aliases" feature, including the ``show_subcommand_aliases`` parameter/attribute. .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0 this class now inherits from :class:`cloup.BaseCommand`. """ SHOW_SUBCOMMAND_ALIASES: bool = False def __init__( self, *args: Any, show_subcommand_aliases: Optional[bool] = None, commands: Optional[ Union[MutableMapping[str, click.Command], Sequence[click.Command]] ] = None, **kwargs: Any ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.show_subcommand_aliases = show_subcommand_aliases """Whether to show subcommand aliases.""" self.alias2name: Dict[str, str] = {} """Dictionary mapping each alias to a command name.""" if commands: self.add_multiple_commands(commands)
[docs] def add_multiple_commands( self, commands: Union[Mapping[str, click.Command], Sequence[click.Command]] ) -> None: if isinstance(commands, Mapping): for name, cmd in commands.items(): self.add_command(cmd, name=name) else: for cmd in commands: self.add_command(cmd)
[docs] def add_command( self, cmd: click.Command, name: Optional[str] = None, section: Optional[Section] = None, fallback_to_default_section: bool = True, ) -> None: super().add_command(cmd, name, section, fallback_to_default_section) name = cast(str, if name is None else name aliases = getattr(cmd, 'aliases', []) for alias in aliases: self.alias2name[alias] = name
[docs] def resolve_command_name(self, ctx: click.Context, name: str) -> Optional[str]: """Map a string supposed to be a command name or an alias to a normalized command name. If no match is found, it returns ``None``.""" if ctx.token_normalize_func: name = ctx.token_normalize_func(name) if name in self.commands: return name return self.alias2name.get(name)
[docs] def resolve_command( self, ctx: click.Context, args: List[str] ) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[click.Command], List[str]]: normalized_name = self.resolve_command_name(ctx, args[0]) if normalized_name: # Replacing this string ensures that super().resolve_command() returns a # normalized command name rather than an alias. The technique described in # Click's docs doesn't work if the subcommand is added using # passing the "name" argument. args[0] = normalized_name try: return super().resolve_command(ctx, args) except click.UsageError as error: new_error = self.handle_bad_command_name( bad_name=args[0], valid_names=[*self.commands, *self.alias2name], error=error ) raise new_error
[docs] def handle_bad_command_name( self, bad_name: str, valid_names: List[str], error: click.UsageError ) -> click.UsageError: """This method is called when a command name cannot be resolved. Useful to implement the "Did you mean <x>?" feature. :param bad_name: the command name that could not be resolved. :param valid_names: the list of valid command names, including aliases. :param error: the original error coming from Click. :return: the original error or a new one. """ import difflib matches = difflib.get_close_matches(bad_name, valid_names) if not matches: return error elif len(matches) == 1: extra_msg = f"Did you mean '{matches[0]}'?" else: matches_list = "\n".join(" " + match for match in matches) extra_msg = 'Did you mean one of these?\n' + matches_list error_msg = str(error) + " " + extra_msg return click.exceptions.UsageError(error_msg, error.ctx)
[docs] def must_show_subcommand_aliases(self, ctx: click.Context) -> bool: return first_bool( self.show_subcommand_aliases, getattr(ctx, 'show_subcommand_aliases', None), Group.SHOW_SUBCOMMAND_ALIASES, )
[docs] def format_subcommand_name( self, ctx: click.Context, name: str, cmd: click.Command ) -> str: aliases = getattr(cmd, 'aliases', None) if aliases and self.must_show_subcommand_aliases(ctx): assert isinstance(ctx, cloup.Context) theme = cast( cloup.HelpTheme, ctx.formatter_settings.get("theme", DEFAULT_THEME) ) alias_list = self.format_subcommand_aliases(aliases, theme) return f"{name} {alias_list}" return name
[docs] @staticmethod def format_subcommand_aliases(aliases: Sequence[str], theme: cloup.HelpTheme) -> str: secondary_style = theme.alias_secondary if secondary_style is None or secondary_style == theme.alias: return theme.alias(f"({', '.join(aliases)})") else: return ( secondary_style("(") + secondary_style(", ").join(theme.alias(alias) for alias in aliases) + secondary_style(")") )
# MyPy complains because "Signature of "group" incompatible with supertype". # The supertype signature is (*args, **kwargs), which is compatible with # this provided that you pass all arguments (expect "name") as keyword arg. @overload # type: ignore def command( # Why overloading? Refer to module docstring. self, name: Optional[str] = None, *, aliases: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, cls: None = None, # default to Group.command_class or cloup.Command section: Optional[Section] = None, context_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, formatter_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, help: Optional[str] = None, epilog: Optional[str] = None, short_help: Optional[str] = None, options_metavar: Optional[str] = "[OPTIONS]", add_help_option: bool = True, no_args_is_help: bool = False, hidden: bool = False, deprecated: bool = False, align_option_groups: Optional[bool] = None, show_constraints: Optional[bool] = None, params: Optional[List[click.Parameter]] = None, ) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], click.Command]: ... @overload def command( # Why overloading? Refer to module docstring. self, name: Optional[str] = None, *, aliases: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, cls: Type[C], section: Optional[Section] = None, context_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, help: Optional[str] = None, epilog: Optional[str] = None, short_help: Optional[str] = None, options_metavar: Optional[str] = "[OPTIONS]", add_help_option: bool = True, no_args_is_help: bool = False, hidden: bool = False, deprecated: bool = False, params: Optional[List[click.Parameter]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], C]: ...
[docs] def command( self, name: Optional[str] = None, *, aliases: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, cls: Optional[Type[C]] = None, section: Optional[Section] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], Union[click.Command, C]]: """Return a decorator that creates a new subcommand of this ``Group`` using the decorated function as callback. It takes the same arguments of :func:`command` plus: ``section``: ``Optional[Section]`` if provided, put the subcommand in this section. .. versionchanged:: 0.10.0 all arguments but ``name`` are now keyword-only. """ make_command = command( name=name, cls=(self.command_class if cls is None else cls), aliases=aliases, **kwargs ) def decorator(f: AnyCallable) -> click.Command: cmd = make_command(f) self.add_command(cmd, section=section) return cmd return decorator
# MyPy complains because "Signature of "group" incompatible with supertype". # The supertype signature is (*args, **kwargs), which is compatible with # this provided that you pass all arguments (expect "name") as keyword arg. @overload # type: ignore def group( # Why overloading? Refer to module docstring. self, name: Optional[str] = None, *, aliases: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, cls: None = None, # cls not provided section: Optional[Section] = None, sections: Iterable[Section] = (), align_sections: Optional[bool] = None, invoke_without_command: bool = False, no_args_is_help: bool = False, context_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, formatter_settings: Dict[str, Any] = {}, help: Optional[str] = None, epilog: Optional[str] = None, short_help: Optional[str] = None, options_metavar: Optional[str] = "[OPTIONS]", subcommand_metavar: Optional[str] = None, add_help_option: bool = True, chain: bool = False, hidden: bool = False, deprecated: bool = False, ) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], click.Group]: ... @overload def group( # Why overloading? Refer to module docstring. self, name: Optional[str] = None, *, aliases: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, cls: Optional[Type[G]] = None, section: Optional[Section] = None, invoke_without_command: bool = False, no_args_is_help: bool = False, context_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, help: Optional[str] = None, epilog: Optional[str] = None, short_help: Optional[str] = None, options_metavar: Optional[str] = "[OPTIONS]", subcommand_metavar: Optional[str] = None, add_help_option: bool = True, chain: bool = False, hidden: bool = False, deprecated: bool = False, params: Optional[List[click.Parameter]] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], G]: ...
[docs] def group( # type: ignore self, name: Optional[None] = None, *, cls: Optional[Type[G]] = None, aliases: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, section: Optional[Section] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], Union[click.Group, G]]: """Return a decorator that creates a new subcommand of this ``Group`` using the decorated function as callback. It takes the same argument of :func:`group` plus: ``section``: ``Optional[Section]`` if provided, put the subcommand in this section. .. versionchanged:: 0.10.0 all arguments but ``name`` are now keyword-only. """ make_group = group( name=name, cls=cls or self._default_group_class(), aliases=aliases, **kwargs ) def decorator(f: AnyCallable) -> Union[click.Group, G]: cmd = make_group(f) self.add_command(cmd, section=section) return cmd return decorator
@classmethod def _default_group_class(cls) -> Optional[Type[click.Group]]: if cls.group_class is None: return None if cls.group_class is type: return cls else: return cast(Type[click.Group], cls.group_class)
# Why overloading? Refer to module docstring. @overload # In this overload: "cls: None = None" def command( name: Optional[str] = None, *, aliases: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, cls: None = None, context_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, formatter_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, help: Optional[str] = None, short_help: Optional[str] = None, epilog: Optional[str] = None, options_metavar: Optional[str] = "[OPTIONS]", add_help_option: bool = True, no_args_is_help: bool = False, hidden: bool = False, deprecated: bool = False, align_option_groups: Optional[bool] = None, show_constraints: Optional[bool] = None, params: Optional[List[click.Parameter]] = None, ) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], Command]: ... @overload def command( # In this overload: "cls: ClickCommand" name: Optional[str] = None, *, aliases: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, cls: Type[C], context_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, help: Optional[str] = None, short_help: Optional[str] = None, epilog: Optional[str] = None, options_metavar: Optional[str] = "[OPTIONS]", add_help_option: bool = True, no_args_is_help: bool = False, hidden: bool = False, deprecated: bool = False, params: Optional[List[click.Parameter]] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], C]: ... # noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring
[docs]def command( name: Optional[str] = None, *, aliases: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, cls: Optional[Type[C]] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], Union[Command, C]]: """ Return a decorator that creates a new command using the decorated function as callback. The only differences with respect to ``click.command`` are: - the default command class is :class:`cloup.Command` - supports constraints, provided that ``cls`` inherits from ``ConstraintMixin`` like ``cloup.Command`` (the default) - this function has detailed type hints and uses generics for the ``cls`` argument and return type. Note that the following arguments are about Cloup-specific features and are not supported by all ``click.Command``, so if you provide a custom ``cls`` make sure you don't set these: - ``formatter_settings`` - ``align_option_groups`` (``cls`` needs to inherit from ``OptionGroupMixin``) - ``show_constraints`` (``cls`` needs to inherit ``ConstraintMixin``). .. versionchanged:: 0.10.0 this function is now generic: the return type depends on what you provide as ``cls`` argument. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 all arguments but ``name`` are now keyword-only arguments. :param name: the name of the command to use unless a group overrides it. :param aliases: alternative names for this command. If ``cls`` is not a Cloup command class, aliases will be stored in the instantiated command by monkey-patching and aliases won't be documented in the help page of the command. :param cls: the command class to instantiate. :param context_settings: an optional dictionary with defaults that are passed to the context object. :param formatter_settings: arguments for the formatter; you can use :meth:`HelpFormatter.settings` to build this dictionary. :param help: the help string to use for this command. :param epilog: like the help string but it's printed at the end of the help page after everything else. :param short_help: the short help to use for this command. This is shown on the command listing of the parent command. :param options_metavar: metavar for options shown in the command's usage string. :param add_help_option: by default each command registers a ``--help`` option. This can be disabled by this parameter. :param no_args_is_help: this controls what happens if no arguments are provided. This option is disabled by default. If enabled this will add ``--help`` as argument if no arguments are passed :param hidden: hide this command from help outputs. :param deprecated: issues a message indicating that the command is deprecated. :param align_option_groups: whether to align the columns of all option groups' help sections. This is also available as a context setting having a lower priority than this attribute. Given that this setting should be consistent across all you commands, you should probably use the context setting only. :param show_constraints: whether to include a "Constraint" section in the command help. This is also available as a context setting having a lower priority than this attribute. :param params: **(click >= 8.1.0)** a list of parameters (:class:`Argument` and :class:`Option` instances). Params added with ``@option`` and ``@argument`` are appended to the end of the list if given. :param kwargs: any other argument accepted by the instantiated command class (``cls``). """ if callable(name): raise Exception( f"you forgot parenthesis in the command decorator for `{name.__name__}`. " f"While parenthesis are optional in Click >= 8.1, they are required in Cloup." ) def decorator(f: AnyCallable) -> C: if hasattr(f, '__cloup_constraints__'): if cls and not issubclass(cls, ConstraintMixin): raise TypeError( f"a `Command` must inherit from `cloup.ConstraintMixin` to support " f"constraints; `{cls}` doesn't") constraints = tuple(reversed(f.__cloup_constraints__)) del f.__cloup_constraints__ kwargs['constraints'] = constraints cmd_cls = cls if cls is not None else Command try: cmd = cast(C, click.command(name, cls=cmd_cls, **kwargs)(f)) if aliases: cmd.aliases = list(aliases) # type: ignore return cmd except TypeError as error: raise _process_unexpected_kwarg_error(error, _ARGS_INFO, cmd_cls) return decorator
@overload # Why overloading? Refer to module docstring. def group( name: Optional[str] = None, *, cls: None = None, aliases: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, sections: Iterable[Section] = (), align_sections: Optional[bool] = None, invoke_without_command: bool = False, no_args_is_help: bool = False, context_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, formatter_settings: Dict[str, Any] = {}, help: Optional[str] = None, short_help: Optional[str] = None, epilog: Optional[str] = None, options_metavar: Optional[str] = "[OPTIONS]", subcommand_metavar: Optional[str] = None, add_help_option: bool = True, chain: bool = False, hidden: bool = False, deprecated: bool = False, params: Optional[List[click.Parameter]] = None, ) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], Group]: ... @overload def group( name: Optional[str] = None, *, cls: Type[G], aliases: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, invoke_without_command: bool = False, no_args_is_help: bool = False, context_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, help: Optional[str] = None, short_help: Optional[str] = None, epilog: Optional[str] = None, options_metavar: Optional[str] = "[OPTIONS]", subcommand_metavar: Optional[str] = None, add_help_option: bool = True, chain: bool = False, hidden: bool = False, deprecated: bool = False, params: Optional[List[click.Parameter]] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], G]: ...
[docs]def group( name: Optional[str] = None, *, cls: Optional[Type[G]] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], click.Group]: """ Return a decorator that instantiates a ``Group`` (or a subclass of it) using the decorated function as callback. .. versionchanged:: 0.10.0 the ``cls`` argument can now be any ``click.Group`` (previously had to be a ``cloup.Group``) and the type of the instantiated command matches it (previously, the type was ``cloup.Group`` even if ``cls`` was a subclass of it). .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 all arguments but ``name`` are now keyword-only arguments. :param name: the name of the command to use unless a group overrides it. :param cls: the ``click.Group`` (sub)class to instantiate. This is ``cloup.Group`` by default. Note that some of the arguments are only supported by ``cloup.Group``. :param sections: a list of Section objects containing the subcommands of this ``Group``. This argument is only supported by commands inheriting from :class:`cloup.SectionMixin`. :param align_sections: whether to align the columns of all subcommands' help sections. This is also available as a context setting having a lower priority than this attribute. Given that this setting should be consistent across all you commands, you should probably use the context setting only. :param context_settings: an optional dictionary with defaults that are passed to the context object. :param formatter_settings: arguments for the formatter; you can use :meth:`HelpFormatter.settings` to build this dictionary. :param help: the help string to use for this command. :param short_help: the short help to use for this command. This is shown on the command listing of the parent command. :param epilog: like the help string but it's printed at the end of the help page after everything else. :param options_metavar: metavar for options shown in the command's usage string. :param add_help_option: by default each command registers a ``--help`` option. This can be disabled by this parameter. :param hidden: hide this command from help outputs. :param deprecated: issues a message indicating that the command is deprecated. :param invoke_without_command: this controls how the multi command itself is invoked. By default it's only invoked if a subcommand is provided. :param no_args_is_help: this controls what happens if no arguments are provided. This option is enabled by default if `invoke_without_command` is disabled or disabled if it's enabled. If enabled this will add ``--help`` as argument if no arguments are passed. :param subcommand_metavar: string used in the command's usage string to indicate the subcommand place. :param chain: if this is set to `True`, chaining of multiple subcommands is enabled. This restricts the form of commands in that they cannot have optional arguments but it allows multiple commands to be chained together. :param params: **(click >= 8.1.0)** a list of parameters (:class:`Argument` and :class:`Option` instances). Params added with ``@option`` and ``@argument`` are appended to the end of the list if given. :param kwargs: any other argument accepted by the instantiated command class. """ if cls is None: return command(name=name, cls=Group, **kwargs) elif issubclass(cls, click.Group): return command(name=name, cls=cls, **kwargs) else: raise TypeError( 'this decorator requires `cls` to be a `click.Group` (or a subclass)')
# Side stuff for better error messages class _ArgInfo(NamedTuple): arg_name: str requires: Type[Any] supported_by: str = "" _ARGS_INFO = { info.arg_name: info for info in [ _ArgInfo('formatter_settings', Command, "both `Command` and `Group`"), _ArgInfo('align_option_groups', OptionGroupMixin, "both `Command` and `Group`"), _ArgInfo('show_constraints', ConstraintMixin, "both `Command` and `Group`"), _ArgInfo('align_sections', SectionMixin, "`Group`") ] } def _process_unexpected_kwarg_error( error: TypeError, args_info: Dict[str, _ArgInfo], cls: Type[Command] ) -> TypeError: """Check if the developer tried to pass a Cloup-specific argument to a ``cls`` that doesn't support it and if that's the case, augments the error message to provide useful more info about the error.""" import re message = str(error) match ='|'.join(arg_name for arg_name in args_info), message) if match is None: return error arg = info = args_info[arg] extra_info = reindent(f"""\n Hint: you set `cls={cls}` but this class doesn't support the argument `{arg}`. In Cloup, this argument is supported by `{info.supported_by}` via `{info.requires.__name__}`. """, 4) new_message = message + '\n' + extra_info return TypeError(new_message)